My Month in America
Hello, my Chinese name is Ho Chi Cheong. My English name is Kenny. I come from Macau which is a very small city but it is worth paying a visit. In school, which is East China Normal University in Shanghai, I am very humorous even during the lesson. I do make lots of friends at school. Hanging out with them. Bragging with them. Studying with them. That is the thing I did mostly during my university life so far.
In January and February, I spent one month living in Haverhill and working in Lawrence at Asperger Works. I had a very fulfilling experience volunteering at Asperger Works because what we are doing is helping people with Asperger’s Syndrome.
On some days, I was not just working. On a sunny day, Eva gave me and Qingquan, who is also a volunteer from China, a tour of Lawrence including the historical museum where we learned about Lawrence’s history. And we went to a place called El Taller for lunch that was extremely great.
I am with Qingquan at the Lawrence History Museum
I can say that the building our office is in is my favorite in Lawrence. It is a historical factory building. And the most awesome thing in the building is the old freight elevator that looks like something from an old movie.
I think that Lawrence is a really good place to visit, except that the traffic here is not so good.